Perform Integrate, reverse integrate or sync for internatioanl builds steps. Usage: intlsdop.cmd [-l: | -d:] -o: [-t:][-pf] [-y:] [-c] -l Language. Default is "usa". The operation intlsdop.cmd performs is language dependent. Not all op/lang combinations are allowed. If "usa", sync the source projects under SDXROOT. If , RI or sync the localization projects for the given . -d: Location. This could be %sdxroot% or %RazzleToolPath% Perform sd on . -o: SD operation. if "r", perform loc RI. if "s", perform sync. if "v", perform verification. if "u", perform updates. This option is not yet functional. -t Timestamp. Used for Integrate/RI/syncing the SD files. Default is the latest time. -f: Force operation -i: Interactive mode (prompts for user input) -p Powerless. Do not perform sd operation. -y the branch parameter which defaults to "locpart". -c Force sync to current, It only works when used with -d:%RazzleToolPath% /? Displays usage. Examples: intlsdop.cmd -d:%sdxroot% -t:2000/10/01:18:00 -o:s Sync the source tree at the given timestamp. intlsdop.cmd -l:ger -t:2000/09/09:12:34 -o:r Reverse integrate German localization projects at the given timestamp. intlsdop.cmd -l:JPN -t:2000/09/09:12:34 -o:r -y:dnsrv_dev Reverse integrate Japanese localization projects from dnsrv_dev to dnsrv at the given timestamp. intlsdop.cmd -l:ger -o:s Sync the German localization projects at the latest time. intlsdop.cmd -l:ger -o:u Open, edit and submit files from German localization projects to the destination needed by the build. This option is not yet functional.