Purpose: BAT token verification for LC File. Functions: Configuration: -c User-specified configuration in XML format that contains the following information: 1. OuputDir = The location where the output of the process will go. This field can be overridden by "-d" option. 2. LogFile = Target log file. By default, the program will look for Config.xml in the current directory, then the directory where this binary resides. If the file is not found, all output file will be created in the current working directory. -log Enable debug logging. -f Specified the output file of the given operation. If not specified, the output is sent to the OutputDir specifed in the config file. -d override OutpuDir in the config file LC Tokens Verification: -r The name of the LC rule file. -m The name of the LC rule Map file -b The Language ID (in HEX) for the base LC token File. -l The Language ID (in HEX) for the localized LC token File. -v Perform token verification on given LC token files. Transform output File: -t The name of the output file in XML format. Examples: - Compare JPN LC token file with US counterpart without the rule file and output the result to f:\test.xml. LCBAT.exe -f f:\test.xml -l 0x411 -v usa.tok jpn.tok - Compare JPN LC token file with US counterpart with the rule file. LCBAT.exe -f f:\test.xml -r rule.lc -l 0x411 -v usa.tok jpn.tok