Usage: postbuild.cmd [-f -s -r -l: -d:] [-?] -l:lang run for given language (see %RAZZLETOOLPATH%\codes.txt) -d:path specify pbuild.* file (e.g. postbuildscripts\pbuild.mui) -full run in forced non-incremental mode, i.e. run everything from scratch -sku:sku Must be one of PRO, PER, SRV, BLA, SBS, ADS, DTC You can specify multiple SKU as -sku:BLA;ADS;DTC -reldat:path specify an alternate release data file. Default is pbuildrelease.dat make sure it is in the same format as pbuildrelease.dat -safe run in incremental mode with extra sanity checks, e.g. force rebase and bind to run -r run incremental aggregation. Applicable to international builds only. -? Displays usage postbuild.cmd is the general process to take a binaries tree and generate a bootable image from it. it is incremental in the sense that it will not run more than is needed on a second pass, and it is configurably multithreaded. the user has two non-command line options for setting preferences for compression and multithreading: HORSE_POWER if this env var is set, the maximum number of threads spawned by postbuild.cmd will be HORSE_POWER multiplied by NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS. default is HORSE_POWER=2 PB_COMP if this env var is set to TRUE, compressed bootable images will be generated regardless of the machine postbuild.cmd is running on. if this env var is set to FALSE, uncompressed images will be generated. the default is to generate compressed images on quad-proc machines or higher. note that postbuild.cmd must be run from an NT razzle window with echo defined and existing.