raiseall.pl raiseall.pl -n:# -q:qly [-lower] [-a:arc] [-l:lng] [-d] [-?] -n:# Raise build number # -q:qly Raise to 'qly' quality -lower Lower a build and remove from dfs -a:arc Act on architecture 'arc' (e.g. ??????) -t:typ Act on debug type 'typ' (e.g. fre or chk) -time:yymmdd-hhmm Use time-stamp criteria -l:lng Raise for language 'lng' (from codes.txt) -safe Used to raise an old build to TST/IDx (RAISE only) -replace Will replace "newer" builds at a numbered link -f Force an action that would not normally be taken -d Debug mode -? Display usage (this screen) raiseall.pl will issue the appropriate DFS commands to raise a build to a specific quality.