SYSGEN v.5.5: Whistler aggregation tool for international builds. Usage perl [] [] [] where Options: /c generate the makefile from scratch, overwriting existing one. By running nmake, all the targets will be generated. /s limit sysgen to syntax check - makefile not (re)generated. /f takes as the sysfile. If this option is omitted, sysgen searches the current directory for a file called sysfile and uses it as a description (mapping) file. /w takes as the PATH for reading/writing makefile and err/log files. Note that the default aggregation 'makefile' name is sysgen.mak /v display version /y verify LOC drop coverage. Use in conjunction with -c flag /z generate LS 5.0 tokens from existing LOC drop (bingen/rsrc). Use in conjunction with -c flag /l: specify language /? /h display this message Macros: list the command line macro definitions in the format "=". Seldomly used Targets: specify files (without path) to localize/aggregate. For a full documentation please run perldoc.exe (attached below) NAME SYSGEN - Aggregation driver Aggregation (also termed sysgen) is the important postbuild step for the international Whistler builds. In fact, it is the very first step executed by the postbuild and is specific to the international Whistler builds. International build is recognized by the %LANG% environment being defined and different from the "USA" (the default). Sysgen consists of creating the file structure in the %_NTPOSTBLD% environment which is to be in some way identical to the %_NTTREE% one but which content represents the blend of US and localized files. The identity between the US and %LANG% file structure guarantees the subsequent build steps do not differ between the languages. This equivalence is achieved by applying appropriate file operations to certain files. From the sysgen point of view, there is few choices to take when producing the desired bits: * use the (copy of) US and %LANG% pre-build ones * create an appropriate merge between US files and %LANG% resources In most typical run, which is the full rebuild, sysgen starts with the empty %_NTPOSTBLD% and ends with the makefile appropriate to build the full file tree. The originals of the US tree are never destroyed for the sake of reusability. In the incremental run, the task solved by sysgen is rather complicated: none but certain (changed) files are touched,to preserve the build's timestamps. Also, for a reasonably small number of files changed the incremental run was thought to consume far less time, than the full run, and for some time it was, indeed, true. Lately, the investigation for advanced aggregation strategy has been taken. This was mainly due to poor aggregation timings, but also due to possible future transition to the build scenario, in which some or even all the assumptions the aggregation relies upon, may change. Let's take the bird eye view on the task aggregation solves. Sure, most of the files in the %LANG% build would eventually be identical to the US ones. Some, noticeably the text files will be totally different from the US but just identical to the ones found in localizer's drop. Some (noticeably executable) bits are specific: most resources are language specific and thus, not interchangeable. These files never existed before the aggregation took place. So the main and only task of aggregation is to decide, how to build the file tree. It is also becoming important, the procedure must be as efficient and easily configurable as possible. The least important, even seldomly stated clearly, goal is to make the internals of the sysgen script simple to maintain and modify, template compliant etc. etc. This document describes certain features the sysgen is capable, along with certain file specifications, focusing on the recent features. For the introduction to sysgen and aggregation principles, see http://ntbld/whistler/intl/sysgen.htm and other documents on NT Whistler International build web site http://ntbld/intl SYNOPSIS perl [] [] [] where Options: /c generate the makefile from scratch, overwriting existing one. By running nmake, all the targets will be generated. /s limit sysgen to syntax check - makefile not (re)generated. /f takes as the sysfile. If this option is omitted, sysgen searches the current directory for a file called sysfile and uses it as a description (mapping) file. /w takes as the PATH for reading/writing makefile and err/log files. Note that the default aggregation 'makefile' name is sysgen.mak /v display version /l: specify language /? /h display this message Macros: list the command line macro definitions in the format "=". Seldomly used Targets: specify files (without path) to localize/aggregate. You may use the TEMPLATE COMPLIANT -: syntax or OLD sysgen - syntax or both. There is little need to specify any option but the language on command line. The only one case you may need it is when you verify the mappings. In this case you will have to type perl -l: -c [-a] [-s] The working directory of is now arbitrary, and one is able to specify * mappings file * output folder * language via command line switches. In the past, it was crucial to change to the directory %RAZZLETOOLPATH%\POSTBUILDSCRIPTS\SYSGEN\RELBINS\%LANG% in order to have sysgen running. Not anymore! Once again, this means one can execute multiple language and architecture aggregations on the same box at once. DESCRIPTION Historically, there are four different ways the can execute. One of these is totally obsolete now, and one is not of practical use by the time of this writing. So only two modes you are to learn although all four are still available. Below is the list. * acceletared aggregation * full aggregation * powerless syntax check (no aggregation) * old incremental aggregation The command line flags specify the desired mode, the default is (still!) being full aggregation, without acceletarion. That corresponds to the incremental postbuild. The accelerated aggregation is the fastest mode and corresponds to full postbuild. It may seem strange but it is not the default mode yet. The syntax check sysgen provides the quickest way to test the validity of the mappings and produces no output, garbages no screen, but detects all errors that would hurt the real aggregation, but cannot be used for anything else. You may never encounter any need in powerless syntax check. The sysgen is never executed in this way by the real postbuild. Last, the old incremental aggregation is totally obsolete by now, though still accessible. As a matter of fact, it does not give any time savings, neither is it more reliable that the rest of the modes. Alas, have you dropped the command line arguments completely, the incremental aggregation would be fired. It will end up almost immediately, though, since it relies on the presence of the makefile (filename is sysgen.mak) in the current working directory, which hardly will be the case. Admittedly, accelerated aggregation is approximately three times quicker than the non-accel one. It may become the default by the time of your reading this. The accelerated aggregation is a part of a full postbuild. MAKEFILE Generation of the files in the %_NTPOSTBLD% is accomplished through executing the nmake.exe with the Makefile, described below. The default location of the Makefile is %TEMP%\%LANG% and the default name is sysgen.mak. After the successful aggregation the makefile is copied to the %_NTPOSTBLD%\%LANG%\BUILD_LOGS folder. Sure the sysgen.mak represents a syntaxically correct makefile. However, the aggregation makefiles are seldom used more than once by the current design. It is more important to have is a useful for a post-break post-mortem study. The Makefile shown below corresponds to version 3.0x and later of SYSGEN. [change #52 in //depot/private/intlred/tools/PostBuildScripts/] It is not syntaxically different from the older versions, though certain effort has been applied to make it a little bit slick and e.g. easy to browse. For example, the total size of the makefile (adding all the COMPDIR listing files, to be honest) is around 1 Megabyte by now. Compare it with the typical makefile of the early versions of the sysgen (i.e. before the COMPDIR was first used, let's use the term version 3.0x). The makefile for the same build weighted up to and over 10 Megabytes. It was virtually impossible to diff the makefiles between the consequent builds, or languages. This made the typical investigation for the origin of certain files more difficult. The sysgen.mak file: -------- top of the file ----------------------------------- sysgen: @nmake /A /K /F d:\lp.temp.x86fre\GER\sysgen.mak /NOLOGO all ------- Definition of the target to build ------------------ !IFNDEF LANG ! ERROR You must define macro LANG !ENDIF !IF "$(LANG)" != "GER" && "$(LANG)" != "ger" ! ERROR This file is for GER !ENDIF !IF "$(_BUILDARCH)" != "x86" ! ERROR This file is for x86 !ENDIF ------ header: lagguage and arch definitions --------------- # Directory name aliases _NTLOCDIR=$(_NTBINDIR)\loc\res\$(LANG) # Binary file operation aliases COMPDIR=compdir.exe /ukerlntsd BINGEN=bingen -n -w -v -f # Note: one must omit the extension here # to enable the logerr 'magic' COPY=copy ------- varialbes definitions ------------------------------ .SILENT: all: \ _DIRS _COMPDIR PROCESS1601 PROCESS1602 PROCESS1603 .... PROCESS1616 ------- pseudotarget expansion definitions ----------------- PROCESS1601: \ $(_NTPOSTBLD)\192.dns \ $(_NTPOSTBLD)\31x5hc01.cnt \ $(_NTPOSTBLD)\31x5hs01.cnt \ ------- target make rules ---------------------------------- _DIRS: md $(_NTPOSTBLD)\dtcinf 2>NUL ... _COMPDIR: \ $(TEMP)\COMPDIR\compdir.001.mak \ ... $(TEMP)\COMPDIR\compdir.735.mak logerr "$(COMPDIR) /m:$(TEMP)\COMPDIR\compdir.001.mak $(_NTTREE) $(_NTPOSTBLD)" ... $(_NTPOSTBLD)\192.dns: $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\misc\192.dns logerr "$(COPY) $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\misc\192.dns $(_NTPOSTBLD)\" ... $(_NTPOSTBLD)\wow6432\wowreg32.exe: $(_NTTREE)\wow6432\wowreg32.exe \ $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\wow6432\wowreg32.ex_ logerr "$(BINGEN) -p 1252 -o 0x07 0x01 -r $(_NTTREE)\wow6432\wowreg32.exe..." ------- end of Makefile ----------------------------------- MAKING LINKS The distinctive feature of version 3.0x of aggregation is using the compdir.exe to arrange hard links for the aggregation rather then perform file-by-file copy. It has not been investigated too rigorously, whether the speedup was achieved because of * reducing the number of steps executed due to grouping the files by directory (~10000 file ops versus ~100 lists ops) * generation of links instead of copying the files Basically, it is possible to investigate: compdir's rich set of flags allows one. In fact, no explicit command name is used by current makefile, but only macros. The COPY, COMPDIR, BINGEN macros definitiond are found in SET COMPDIR=compdir.exe /ukerlntsd SET COPY=copy SET BINGEN=bingen -n -w -v -f Now, getting actual command changed is a matter of macro definition. No need to edit a letter in the aggregation script. Now, the COPY and COMPDIR macros operations are both present. Why not removing the COPY completely? The next section explains, why. OPTIMIZATION Where are the time savings coming from? The statistics shows that there are as many as 35350 files in 750 directories. handled now by compdir.exe and this saves up to 60% of former execution time. At present there are ~250 'explicit' copy operations left for GER aggregation, and almost ~1500 copy operations for ARA aggregation. The reason for such a difference is that rsrc compiler was discovered to be sensitive to whether the resource it operates is a link or separate copy. The generic rsrc build instruction involves both %_NTTREE% and %_NTPOSTBLD% libraries. Too bad if they are links to each other: rsrc will simply fail to do the job. The problem is, sysgen does not really seem to trace the inter-file relations well enough. This may be re-designed in the future versions. To put is short, there is no easy way to identify the rsrc files from the rest when looking 'from inside' of the sysgen. The approach chosen was based on a minimal tradeoff between the execution acceleration and complexities introduced. The default policy of sysgen is always to take COPY, not COMPDIR approach. By the way, the COMPDIR approach means here not just applying the compdir.exe with certain flags (as we have seen this task is trivial and may be achieved by re-defining the COPY macro in the but rather complex: generating some file hash info for subsequent grouping the files by source/destination directories etc. etc. First, sysgen does a clever guess about what is the file copying serve for. This means, it is able to factor out files going alone %_NTTREE%->%_NTPOSTBLD% trails, and lets compdir.exe do that. This gives the major contribution: 28002 files 650 directories. which is almost 80% counted in file numers, not times. However, files which propagate between %_NTLOCDIR% and %_NTPOSTBLD% do not provide the possibility for file name, path based clever guess. This corresponds to the whole localizer tree and leaves the problem open. To teach sysgen to select files, that are safe passing to COMPDIR, is a complex task. The solution is rely upon the simplest test to enforce COMPDIR handling for some files and allow COPY the rest. The more bulk of files get handled the better. Thus file operation may be determined by the file EXTENSION. Sysgen simply reads extension hints in the mapping files to know the file is safe to pass to COMPDIR. No hints - no risky optimization. Old behavior restored. In future design, the logic of the sysgen may be refined. However, at present state of the optimization, there is already 10 to 1 reduction of the file ops and 3 to 1 reduction in time. It is clearly hard to beleive the next factor 3 acceleration possible. MAPPING FILES Sysgen reads mapping files for variable and build tree directory structure definitions. Here we concentrate on mapping file paths. For the versions of sysgen prior and including 3.0x, the directory occupued by mapping file 'sysfile' was in fact unique for each %LANG% and fixed. This introduced redundancy between the mapping files and leaded to maintenance complexity. For compatibility reasons, this structure is still present in the SD, the parses able to work with it, etc. Starting with version 4.0x of sysgen, the layout of mapping files has been simplified to make the aggregation more flexible and robust and to enable more changes without the need to fix the Perl code. Of course, necessary functionality has been implemented to help factoring out apparently redundant definitions. In particular, mapping file paths and names are no longer hardcoded, e.g. sysfile location may be specified to the sysgen via a command line 'f' argument, while makefile location via the 'w' argument. No arguments are mandatory and default to current directory. Also, this leads to ability of running multiple language and architecture aggregations on the same box at once. The include tree of the mapping files is schematically displayed below. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The number of mapping files exists is determined by the the number of projects. See the %_NTDRIVE%\LOC\RES\%LANG% directory structure. The and map %_NTTREE% and %_NTDRIVE%\LOC\RES\%LANG%\WINDOWS directories and their subdirectories, respectively. The file contains rules that are to be applied 'as is' and otherwise confuse the sysgen [see HOTFIX FILE SYNTAX below]. The file is reserved to the unapproved mapping fixes required e.g. to fix bugs but less essential for the build to succeed. It may disappear in the future versions of the sysgen. Also, external drop mappings are planned to move in one mapping file. In a more distant future, it is planned to have some convenient tool to wirk with mapping files. MAPPING FILE SYNTAX The syntax of the mapping files did not change too much, to provide backward compatibility with versions 3.0x abd below. The descriprion may be found in http://ntbld/whistler/intl/Sysgen.htm In fact, much effort has been applied to make the parser features stable. HOTFIX FILE SYNTAX The file contains rules that are to be applied 'as is' and would otherwise confuse the sysgen. Sure, the syntax of the is specific. The reason for introducing the file comes from the fact that the assumption the aggregation is based upon: the existence of one-to-one correspondence between the token and its binary file, can sometimes be not true. Rules written in the hotfix file apply exactly to such situations and are to be considered patches to makefile, but applied before passing the makefile to nmake. Below you see the part of the file IF "$(LANG)" == "KOR" BEGIN_RULES SET MULTITOKDIR=$(_ntbindir)\loc\res\$(lang)\windows\tokens\multi SET HOTFIXDIR=$(_ntbindir)\loc\res\tools\twisttok SET DST=$(_ntpostbld)\$(lang) # version 3.x SET DST=$(_ntpostbld) # version 4.x SET SRC=$(_nttree) SET ACP0=1252 SET ACP1=949 SET PriLangID0=0x09 set SubLangID0=0X01 SET PriLangID1=0x12 set SubLangID1=0X01 SET OVERWRITE_DEFAULT_RULE=1 $(dst)\netmsg.dll : $(src)\netmsg.dll $(multitokdir)\netmsg.dl_ logerr "echo bug 423602" logerr "bingen -n -w -v -f -p $(ACP0) -o $(PriLangID0) ..." logerr "bingen -n -w -v -f -p $(ACP1) -o $(PriLangID1) ..." END_RULES ENDIF It is evident that the dependency block has a typical Makefile, rather then sysgen mapping syntax. Notice also the new BEGIN_RULES/END_RULES tags. These separate the hotfix section from the rest of the file. In fact, the contents of the mapping enclosed by these targs are not parsed at all. OUTLOOK OF VERSION 4.0x VALUABLE FEATURES 1. Produce well-formed good-looking Makefile. E.g. use of dotted and preprocessing nmake directives. 2. Fix the mapping file structure to ensure that keeping the mapping files in the folders %RAZZLETOOLPATH%\postbuildscripts\sysgen\relbins\%LANG% is no longer required to execute the aggregation. E.g. provide language setting on command line 3. Extend the parser e.g. to recognize constructs: IF "$(LANGUAGE)" == "INTL" || "$(LANGUAGE)" == "intl" This is to mimic the makefile syntax (nmake): !IF "$(LANGUAGE)" == "INTL" || "$(LANGUAGE)" == "intl" Thus one can verify that given $LANGUAGE = CHT &testCompoundIF("IF $(LANG) == CHT"); TRUE &testCompoundIF("IF $(LANG) == CHS || ($(LANG) == CHT)"); TRUE &testCompoundIF("IF $(LANG) == CHS"); FALSE &testCompoundIF("IF ($(LANG) == CHT) && ($(LANG) == CHS) "); FALSE &testCompoundIF("IF $(LANG) == chs"); FALSE &testCompoundIF("IF \"\" == \"\" "); TRUE This ability could be useful to factor out the repeated blocks in the mapping files (currently underway) 4. Work on the aggregation code timings. Profiling the script(full accelerated aggregation). Total Elapsed Time = -10.7283 Seconds User+System Time = 146.7325 Seconds Exclusive Times %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c Name 31.6 46.49 57.020 148164 0.0003 0.0004 main::MakeXcopyCmd 13.1 19.22 19.114 37423 0.0005 0.0005 main::NewImageToSymbol 12.5 18.43 32.083 1 18.435 32.083 main::AddFiles 9.52 13.97 12.928 348653 0.0000 0.0000 main::SetField 8.91 13.07 12.923 51459 0.0003 0.0003 main::RevEnvVars 5.89 8.642 95.413 35868 0.0002 0.0027 main::GenXcopy 4.47 6.554 6.120 145184 0.0000 0.0000 main::PushFieldVal 4.40 6.463 5.000 488408 0.0000 0.0000 main::GetMacro 4.21 6.174 19.067 1688 0.0037 0.0113 main::AddRecord 3.07 4.506 4.506 1 4.5060 4.5060 main::Find_UnMapping 2.40 3.516 10.984 47581 0.0001 0.0002 main::AddFileInfo 2.03 2.985 2.874 37423 0.0001 0.0001 main::GetDynData 1.64 2.412 13.357 47581 0.0001 0.0003 main::AddEntry 1.17 1.720 106.19 37423 0.0000 0.0028 main::RecordToCmd 1.08 1.581 1.317 88136 0.0000 0.0000 main::IsRepositKey Profiling the script(syntax check). Total Elapsed Time = -5.11500 Seconds User+System Time = 42.05962 Seconds Exclusive Times %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c Name 44.5 18.73 31.126 1 18.730 31.126 main::AddFiles 19.5 8.220 7.372 243189 0.0000 0.0000 main::SetField 15.0 6.345 19.905 1688 0.0038 0.0118 main::AddRecord 11.1 4.706 4.706 1 4.7060 4.7060 main::Find_UnMapping 7.93 3.335 10.111 47581 0.0001 0.0002 main::AddFileInfo 5.14 2.161 12.138 47581 0.0000 0.0003 main::AddEntry 3.21 1.351 1.042 88136 0.0000 0.0000 main::IsRepositKey 2.49 1.048 1.914 37423 0.0000 0.0001 main::RecordToCmd 2.31 0.971 0.834 39011 0.0000 0.0000 main::GetFieldVal 1.57 0.660 0.398 74846 0.0000 0.0000 main::IsHashKey 1.31 0.550 0.378 49147 0.0000 0.0000 main::IsEmptyHash 1.14 0.480 2.394 1 0.4800 2.3940 main::FillCmd 1.11 0.468 1.410 1 0.4678 1.4103 main::FillTokens 0.78 0.330 0.193 39274 0.0000 0.0000 main::GetMacro 0.65 0.272 0.146 35868 0.0000 0.0000 main::GenXcopy Clearly, the time consuming operations involve various file tests which cannot be skipped. LIMITATIONS * the currently unused sysgen run modes are not being tested too thoroughfully and may happen to fail or produce weird results support for the obsolete modes of might terminate * the syntax of the mapping files is archaic. the parser cannot dynamically bias the expected to the actual mapping file syntax (not all fields are used) * aggregation toolset ( etc.) backward compatibility is slim AUTHOR Contact Serguei Kouzmine Notes cmd.exe can live with forward slashed instead of bachward slashes However, it needs to quote the filenames to have this working dir /ad "c:/program files" Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 58F7-C69D Directory of c:\program files 04/16/2002 11:10 AM . 04/16/2002 11:10 AM .. ... 1. hotfix: make use of the "env" variables inherited from codes.txt 2. get meaningful names! LANGUAGE => SRC_LANG ALT_LANG => LANG !IFNDEF LANG ! ERROR You must define macro LANG !ENDIF DEST=$(_NTPOSTBLD)\$(LANG) !ERROR $(DEST) D:\test\tools\PostBuildScripts\ : D:\test\tools\PostBuildScripts\sysgen.dep D:\test\tools\PostBuildScripts\sysgen.dep2 echo $@ " " $? BEGIN_MESSAGES_MAP #Code Description LANG #--------------------------------------------------------------- 1001 sysfile not found @EU;@CS;@FE 1002 file not found @EU;@CS;@FE 1003 file not found: unable to run sysgen incrementally @EU;@CS;@FE 1004 target file not found @EU;@CS;@FE 1005 filter file not found @EU;@CS;@FE 1006 unable to open file for reading @EU;@CS;@FE 1007 unable to open file for writing @EU;@CS;@FE 1008 /f option requires a filename @EU;@CS;@FE 1009 target not found in filter file @EU;@CS;@FE 1010 /w option requires a directory name @EU;@CS;@FE 1011 /n option requires number of sections@EU;@CS;@FE 1101 @EU;@CS;@FE 1110 syntax error @EU;@CS;@FE 1111 syntax error: ENDIF unexpected @EU;@CS;@FE 1112 syntax error: IF unexpected @EU;@CS;@FE 1113 syntax error: END_MAP unexpected @EU;@CS;@FE 1114 syntax error: BEGIN_*_MAP unexpected @EU;@CS;@FE 1115 syntax error: INCLUDE unexpected @EU;@CS;@FE 1116 syntax error: unknown operator in expression @EU;@CS;@FE 1117 syntax error: \")\" missing in macro invocation @EU;@CS;@FE 1118 syntax error: incomplete description line @EU;@CS;@FE 1119 syntax error: unknown mapping type @EU;@CS;@FE 1120 syntax error: unmatched IF @EU;@CS;@FE 1121 syntax error: unmatched BEGIN_*_MAP @EU;@CS;@FE 1210 file format error: target not found @EU;@CS;@FE 1211 file format error: target not listed in \"all\" @EU;@CS;@FE 1212 file format error: no description blocks for files @EU;@CS;@FE 1213 file format error: \"sysgen\" target not found @EU;@CS;@FE 1214 file format error: filename with special characters @EU;@CS;@FE 1215 file format error: Similar target found @EU;@CS;@FE 1910 unknown language @EU;@CS;@FE 1911 missing or duplicated entry for language @EU;@CS;@FE 1912 incomplete entry for language @EU;@CS;@FE 1913 unknown class for language @EU;@CS;@FE 2011 no binary found for token @EU;@CS;@FE 2012 duplicated tokens @EU;@CS;@FE 2013 unknown token type (bingen or rsrc) @EU;@CS;@FE 2014 unexpected token for already localized binary @EU;@CS;@FE 2015 input bingen token not found for multi @EU;@CS;@FE 2016 no bingen token found for custom resource @EU;@CS;@FE 2017 unknown bingen token extension in token filename @EU;@CS;@FE 2018 both bingen and rsrc tokens found @EU;@CS;@FE 2019 custom resource found for rsrc token @EU;@CS;@FE 2020 custom resource with no token @EU;@CS;@FE 2051 sysfile error: undefined source path to verify @EU;@CS;@FE 2052 folder not covered in sysfiles @EU;@CS;@FE 2053 not mapped @EU;@CS;@FE 2054 not mapped @EU;@CS;@FE 2101 binary not found @EU;@CS;@FE 2102 token not found @EU;@CS;@FE 3011 internal error: unknown operation type @EU;@CS;@FE 4001 filename with whitespace badly handled @EU;@CS;@FE 5001 _COMPDIR currently only supported in clean build @EU;@CS;@FE 5002 Incremental run with COMPDIR @EU;@CS;@FE END_MAP my $d = " 5002 Incremental run with COMPDIR \@EU;\@CS;\@FE"; ($a, $b, $c) = $d =~ m/\s*([^ ]+)\s{4,}([^ ].+[^ ])\s{4,}([^ ]+)/; print STDERR $a, "\n", $b, "\n", $c, "\n\n"; getting rid of ;[Lang] [ACP] [LCID] [PriLangID] [SubLangID] [Class] [Flavor] [Site] [LangISO] [PerfID] [Readme] [GUID] [Read1st] [Home] [Comments] ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ARA 1256 0x0401 0x01 0x01 @CS WKS REDMOND AR 001 readme AF202818-350E-11d2-B167-0060B03C1CA5 read1st home Arabic LOCSTUDIO BUILD HANDLING OBSOLETE INSTRUCTIONS Different ~classes~ of bingen/rsrc command must be appropriately mapped to LSBUILD.EXE Sample INTL build commands (represent different execution flag sets for BINGEN and RSRC.): 1. BINGEN 1.1 replace resources (85%). Pseudorule: $(BINGEN) -p $(ACP) -o $(PriLangID) $(SubLangID) -r $** $@ expands into: bingen -n -w -v -f -p 932 -o 0x11 0x01 -r $(_NTTREE)\user32.dll $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\user32.dl_ $(_NTPOSTBLD)\user32.dll 1.2. add the LANG resources and leave the US ones alone so that the target binary has both (~10%). Pseudorule: $(BINGEN) -p $(ACP) -o $(PriLangID) $(SubLangID) -i $(PriLangUSA) $(SubLangUSA) -a $(_NTTREE)\aciniupd.exe $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\multi\aciniupd.ex_ $@ expands into: bingen -n -w -v -f -p 932 -o 0x11 0x01 -i 0x09 0x01 -a $(_NTTREE)\aciniupd.exe $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\multi\aciniupd.ex_ $(_NTPOSTBLD)\aciniupd.exe 1.3. Multiple resources for a single binary, e.g. embedded resources such as INF files and XML files (1%) $(_NTPOSTBLD)\photowiz.dll: $(_NTTREE)\photowiz.dll $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\photowiz.dl_ \ $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\photowiz_dll_reginst.inf \ $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\photowiz_dll_tmpldata.xml $(BINGEN) -p $(ACP) -o $(PriLangID) $(SubLangID) -r $(_NTTREE)\photowiz.dll $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\photowiz.dl_ $@ 2. BIDI specific resource manipulation command (RSRC) 2.1 Replace rsrc $(_NTPOSTBLD)\w3isapi.dll -r $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\w3isapi.dll.rsrc -l 411 (~4% - ALL LANGS) 2.2 Append rsrc $(_NTPOSTBLD)\winnt32\winnt32.exe -a $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\winnt32\multi\winnt32.exe.rsrc -l 40D (@CS specific) 2.3 Merge several LANG $(_NTPOSTBLD)\comdlg32.dll: $(_NTTREE)\comdlg32.dll $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\multi\comdlg32.dll.40d.rsrc $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\multi\comdlg32.dll.80d.rsrc rsrc $(_NTPOSTBLD)\comdlg32.dll -a $(_NTLOCDIR)\windows\tokens\multi\comdlg32.dll.40d.rsrc -l 0x040d (@CS specific exception ) MODIFICATIONS to aggregation logic and MAPPING files. Add coverage to make sysgen aware of the .lcx files Building the LSBUILD.EXE rules 1. When the lcx file is supplied, the .dl_ or .ex_ file must be deleted. If it is not the aggregation is greately confused. If both .dl_ token and .lcx tonken are found, the .dl_ one wins. This is because of possible multiple resources for the binary case, discussed above. 2. Errors generated from missing .dl_ files: SYSGEN: error 2102: d:\ls\loc\res\JPN\windows\tokens\dpcdll.dl_: token not found This fix is delete the explicitt mapping line ( $(dst) dpcdll.dll $(tok) dpcdll.dl_ - -r - @EU;@FE 1. Errors from discovered .lcx files: SYSGEN: error 2013: d:\ls\loc\res\JPN\netmeeting\tokens\nmevtmsg.dll.lcx: unknown token type (bingen or rsrc) Verify the extensions are mapped in Provide the dummy rule for .dll <= .dll.lcx .exe <= .exe.lcx BEGIN_EXTENSIONS_MAP # TokExt BinExt Langs #---------------------- .a_ .ax @EU;@FE;@CS .ac_ .acm @EU;@FE;@CS .ax_ .ax @EU;@FE;@CS .bi_ .bin @EU;@FE;@CS .cn_ .cnv @EU;@FE;@CS .co_ .com @EU;@FE;@CS .cp_ .cpl @EU;@FE;@CS .dl_ .dll @EU;@FE;@CS .dr_ .drv @EU;@FE;@CS .ds_ .ds @EU;@FE;@CS .ef_ .efi @EU;@FE;@CS .ex_ .exe @EU;@FE;@CS .fl_ .flt @EU;@FE;@CS .im_ .ime @EU;@FE;@CS .mo_ .mod @EU;@FE;@CS .ms_ .mst @EU;@FE;@CS .oc_ .ocx @EU;@FE;@CS .rs_ .rsc @EU;@FE;@CS .sc_ .scr @EU;@FE;@CS .sy_ .sys @EU;@FE;@CS .tl_ .tlb @EU;@FE;@CS .ts_ .tsp @EU;@FE;@CS .wp_ .wpc @EU;@FE;@CS .sys.rsrc .sys @EU;@CS;@FE .dll.rsrc .dll @EU;@CS;@FE .exe.rsrc .exe @EU;@CS;@FE .drv.rsrc .drv @EU;@CS;@FE .acm.rsrc .acm @EU;@CS;@FE .cpl.rsrc .cpl @EU;@CS;@FE .scr.rsrc .scr @EU;@CS;@FE .dll.lcx .dll @EU;@FE;@CS .exe.lcx .exe @EU;@FE;@CS END_MAP print "reducing reduntant LCX mapping patterns:\n"; $a="(\\.\\w+)\\.lcx"; $b="\$1"; $p = ""; print $p,"\n"; print "$a $b\n"; print qq("$a $b"), "\n"; $b =~ s|\$(\d)|$1|g; $p =~ s|$a|${$b}|egi; print $p,"\n"; $p = "file.BAR.lcx"; print $p,"\n"; $p =~ s|(\.\w+)\.lcx$|$1|eg; print $p,"\n";