TIMEBUILD: Timed Build script started at 2003/08/05-16:31:55. Usage: timebuild.pl [-] [-START=[[YY]MMDD-]HH[:]MM[(a|p)] - specify a time to start the commands (start => revision time to use) [-START=+[HH[:]MM]] - specify a delay before starting commands [-RESUME] - start-up again after the buildstep [-STOPAFTERBUILD] - stop commands right after the build step [-NOSYNC] - do not sync/resolve [-NOSCORCH] - do not run scorch [-NOCLEANBUILD] - don't use -c with build [-NOPOSTBUILD] - skip the postbuild step [-NOCOOKIE] - ignore synchronization againstconcurrent timebuilds [-COVERBUILD] - produce one build with coverage-enabled files [-COVERBUILDONLY] - [REMOVED] same as COVERBUILD [-RELEASE] - release the build (automatic on build machines) [-REVISION=] - SD file revision to use (@yyyy/mm/dd:hh:ss or #rev -- see sd help revisions) [commandfile | - ] - instead of built-in commands use file or stdin