Microsoft (R) 32-bit RLTools Version 3.5 (Build 2420) Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1991-1998. All Rights reserved. Binary file generator utility. BINGEN [-w|n] [-h|?] [-b|s|f] [-p cp] [-{i|o} Pri Sub] [-d char] [-{t|u|r|a|x} files] -w (Show warning messages) -? or -h (Show more complete help using winhelp) -b (Extract bitmaps and icons) -c (Extract embedded gifs, htmls, infs and other binaries) -y (Extract Static Control alignment style) -l (Lean mode and do not append redundant resources) -s (Split Message table messages at \n\r) -f (Add/Use font information field for dialogs) -n (Nologo) -v (Ignore selected version stamp information) -p CodePage (Default code page of text in project token file) -d Character (Default for unmappable characters) <> -t InputExeFile OutputTokenFile (Extract token file) -u InputExeFile InputUSTokFile InputLOCTokFile OutputExeFile (Replace old lang resources with localized tokens) -r InputExeFile InputLOCTokFile OutputExeFile (Replace old lang resources with localized tokens) (Doesn't perform any consistency check) -a InputExeFile InputLOCTokFile OutputExeFile (Append resources in localized tokens) <> -i PriLangId SecLangId (Primary- and Sub-Lang IDs, dec/hex, Input file) -o PriLangId SecLangId (Primary- and Sub-Lang IDs, dec/hex, Output file) -x InputRuleFile (Pseudo translation options) -m InputSymbolPath OutputSymbolPath (Update symbol checksum if neccesory)