USAGE: cabinc.exe [-t #] [-p #] [-q #] [-s] -- EX: cabinc.exe ntoskrnl.exe 1394bus.sys -t: Number of compression/decompression threads running concurrently [Default = 3] -p: Pages of memory (64k chunks) to be used for copies [Default = 8] -q: Pages of memory (64k chunks) given to each worker thread for reading/writing files [Default = 7] -s: Specify which cabinet entry to replace (Defaults to using the file-name) When using this switch the format is: --- EXAMPLE: cabinc.exe -s 1394bus.sys d:\\1394.sys * This will put the file called d:\\1394.sys into the cabinet position for 1394bus.sys, This means that if you were to extract 1394bus.sys out of the new cabinet, you would get the image d:\\1394.sys with the filename 1394bus.sys.