CodeScan Version 1.0 Usage : CodeScan [Target] [Scan Type] [Output] [Severity] Target: Specify the Target files to be scanned. (Mutually Exclusive) -c Scans the opened files in the current Source Depot. (default) -p [directory/file path] Scans the file(s) as specified by the path. If path is not specified, files in the current directory are scanned. Note: The files in the subdirectories are also scaned. Scan Type: Specify the type of scan to be done. (Mutually Exclusive) -g Scans for incorrect Geopolitical words. (default) -o Scans for Offensive words. -b Scans for incorrect Branding words. Output: Specify the type of output. (Mutually Exclusive) -u Displays the results in the UI. (default) -l List the results in the cmd window. -r Stores the output to the file (.xls or .txt or .xml). Severity: Can be used with -u or -l only. (Mutually Exclusive) -1 Displays only the Sev 1 Issues. (default) -a Displays all issues. Help: Displays the Help screen. -? Displays this info.