Usage: INFSCAN [/B ] [/C ] [/D] [/E ] [/F ] [/G] [/I] {/N } {/O } [/P] [Q ] [/R] [/S ] [/T ] [/V ] [/W ] [/X ] [/Y] [/Z] [SourcePath] Options: /B (build special) Filter /E based on a list of "unchanged" files variation /B1 - based on copied files only variation /B2 - based on INF files only /C Create INF filter/report based on errors /D Determine non-driver installation sections /E Create a DeviceToInf filter INF /F Filter based on INF: FilterInfPath /G Generate Pnfs first (see also /Z) /I Ignore errors (for when generating file list) /N Specify single INF name (/N may be used multiple times) /O Specify an override directory (/O may be used multiple times and parsed in order) /P Pedantic mode (show potential problems too) /Q Source+Target copied files list (filtered by layout.inf) see also /S /R Trace (list all INF's) /S Source copied files list (filtered by layout.inf) see also /Q /T Specify number of threads to use /V Version (eg NTx86.5.1) /W List of files to include (alternative to /N) /X List of files to exclude (same format as /W) overrides later includes /Y Don't check per-inf [SourceDisksFiles*] /Z Generate Pnfs and quit (see also /G) /? or /H Display brief usage message