Microsoft (R) .NET ActiveX Control to Windows Forms Assembly Generator [Microsoft .Net Framework, Version 1.0.3705.0] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2001. All rights reserved. Generates a Windows Forms Control that wraps ActiveX controls defined in the given OcxName. Usage: AxImp OcxName [Options] Options: /out:FileName File name of assembly to be produced /publickey:FileName File containing strong name public key /keyfile:FileName File containing strong name key pair /keycontainer:FileName Key container holding strong name key pair /delaysign Force strong name delay signing Used with /keyfile or /keycontainer /source Generate C# source code for Windows Forms wrapper /nologo Prevents AxImp from displaying logo /silent Prevents AxImp from displaying success message /verbose Displays extra information /? or /help Display this usage message