Microsoft (R) Web Services Discovery Utility [Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, Version 1.0.3705.0] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2001. All rights reserved. disco.exe - Utility to discover the URLs of xml web services located on a web server and to save documents related to that xml web service on the local disk. The results.discomap, .wsdl and .xsd files produced by this tool can be used with wsdl.exe to produce web service clients and abstract web service servers using ASP.NET. disco.exe - OPTIONS - /nologo Suppresses the banner. /nosave Do not save the discovered documents or results to disk (for example wsdl, xsd and disco files). The default is to save the documents. /out: The output directory to save the discovered documents in. The default is the current directory. Short form is '/o:'. /username: /password: /domain: The credentials to use when the connecting to a server that requires authentication. Short forms are '/u:', '/p:' and '/d:'. /proxy: The url of the proxy server to use for http requests. The default is to use the system proxy setting. /proxyusername: /proxypassword: /proxydomain: The credentials to use when the connecting to a proxy server that requires authentication. Short forms are '/pu:', '/pp:' and '/pd:'.