Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Type Library to Assembly Converter 1.0.3705.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2001. All rights reserved. Syntax: TlbImp TypeLibName [Options] Options: /out:FileName File name of assembly to be produced /namespace:Namespace Namespace of the assembly to be produced /asmversion:Version Version number of the assembly to be produced /reference:FileName File name of assembly to use to resolve references /publickey:FileName File containing strong name public key /keyfile:FileName File containing strong name key pair /keycontainer:FileName Key container holding strong name key pair /delaysign Force strong name delay signing /unsafe Produce interfaces without runtime security checks /nologo Prevents TlbImp from displaying logo /silent Suppresses all output except for errors /verbose Displays extra information /primary Produce a primary interop assembly /sysarray Import SAFEARRAY as System.Array /strictref Only use assemblies specified using /reference /? or /help Display this usage message The assembly version must be specified as: Major.Minor.Build.Revision. Multiple reference assemblies can be specified by using the /reference option multiple times. A resource ID can optionally be appended to the TypeLibName when importing a type library from a module containing multiple type libraries. For example: TlbImp MyModule.dll\1