Microsoft (R) Visual Basic .NET Compiler version 7.00.9466 for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.00.3705 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1987-2001. All rights reserved. Visual Basic .NET Compiler Options - OUTPUT FILE - /out: Specifies the output file name. /target:exe Create a console application (default). (Short form: /t) /target:winexe Create a Windows application. /target:library Create a library assembly. /target:module Create a module that can be added to an assembly. - INPUT FILES - /addmodule: Reference metadata from the specified module. /recurse: Include all files in the current directory and subdirectories according to the wildcard specifications. /reference: Reference metadata from the specified assembly. (Short form: /r) - RESOURCES - /linkresource: Links the specified file as an external assembly resource. resinfo:[,[,public|private]] (Short form: /linkres) /resource: Adds the specified file as an embedded assembly resource. resinfo:[,[,public|private]] (Short form: /res) /win32icon: Specifies a Win32 icon file (.ico) for the default Win32 resources. /win32resource: Specifies a Win32 resource file (.res). - CODE GENERATION - /optimize[+|-] Enable optimizations. /removeintchecks[+|-] Remove integer checks. Default off. /debug[+|-] Emit debugging information. /debug:full Emit full debugging information (default). /debug:pdbonly Emit PDB file only. - ERRORS AND WARNINGS - /nowarn Disable warnings. /warnaserror[+|-] Treat warnings as errors. - LANGUAGE - /define: Declare global conditional compilation symbol(s). symbol_list:name=value,... (Short form: /d) /imports: Declare global Imports for namespaces in referenced metadata files. import_list:namespace,... /optionexplicit[+|-] Require explicit declaration of variables. /optionstrict[+|-] Enforce strict language semantics. /rootnamespace: Specifies the root Namespace for all type declarations. /optioncompare:binary Specifies binary-style string comparisons. This is the default. /optioncompare:text Specifies text-style string comparisons. - MISCELLANEOUS - /help Display this usage message. (Short form: /?) /nologo Do not display compiler copyright banner. /quiet Quiet output mode. /verbose Display verbose messages. - ADVANCED - /baseaddress: The base address for a library or module (hex). /bugreport: Create bug report file. /delaysign[+|-] Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key. /keycontainer: Specifies a strong name key container. /keyfile: Specifies a strong name key file. /libpath: List of directories to search for metadata references. (Semi-colon delimited.) /main: Specifies the Class or Module that contains Sub Main. It can also be a Class that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Form. (Short form: /m) /utf8output[+|-] Emit compiler output in UTF8 character encoding. @ Insert command-line settings from a text file.