Catalog Utility - Version 1.00.3117 Build(0) Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1995-2001. All rights reserved. This program has two purposes surrounding XML and the Catalog: 1) Validating XML File - This is useful for any XML file whether related to Catalog or not. 2) Compiling - This refers to the Compiling of Catalog Meta and Wiring into the following files: An Unmanaged C++ Header, The Catalog XML Schema (xms) file and The Catalog Dynamic Link Library. CatUtil [/?] [Validate] [/Compile] [/meta=[CatMeta.xml]] [/wire=[CatWire.xml]] [/header=[CatMeta.h]] [/schema=[Catalog.xms]] [/dll=[Catalog.dll]] [/mbmeta=[MBMeta.xml]] [xmlfilename] ? - Brings up this help screen. validate - Will indicate whether the given file is 'Valid' according to its DTD or XML Schema. This requires an 'xmlfilename'. xmlfilename - If specified with no other options, the XML file will be checked for 'Well-Formity'. product - Associates the dll with the given product name. The Product Name must be supplied. This association MUST be done before the Catalog may be used with the given product. compile - Compile of Catalog Meta and Wiring as described above, using deaults where no values are supplied. To do a partial compile (ie only generate the Unmanaged C++ Header) do NOT specify the 'Compile' option and only specify the 'meta' and 'header' options. 'Compile' is the same as '/meta /wire /header /schema /dll' where any of those flags explicitly specified may override the defaults. mbmeta - Specifies the Metabase Meta XML file. The default is MBMeta.xml. This is an input only file and will not be modified meta - Specifies the Catalog Meta XML file. The default is CatMeta.xml. This is an input only file and will not be modified wire - Specifies the Catalog Wiring XML file. The default is CatWire.xml. This is an input only file and will not be modified header - Specifies the Unmanaged C++ Header file. The default is CatMeta.h. This is an input/output file and will be updated only if changed. schema - Specifies the Catalog XML Schema file. The default is Catalog.xms. This is an output file and will overwrite a previous version. dll - Specifies the Catalog DLL file. The default is Catalog.dll. This is an input/output file and will update the previous version. Either the 'compile' or 'product' option must be specified along with the 'dll' option. config - Specifies the Machine Config Directory. The 'product' option must be specified along with the 'config' option. verbose - This generates detailed output about the compilation