MPATCH 5.1.3582.0 Patch Creation Utility Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Usage: MPATCH [options] OldFile[;OldFile2[;OldFile3]] NewFile TargetPatchFile Options: -NOBINDFIX Turn off automatic compensation for bound imports in the the old file. The default is to ignore binding data in the old file during patch creation which will cause the application of the patch to succeed whether or not the old file on the target machine is bound, not bound, or even bound to different import addresses. If the files are not Win32 binaries, this option is ignored and has no effect. -NOLOCKFIX Turn off automatic compensation for smashed lock prefix instructions. If the files are not Win32 binaries, this option is ignored and has no effect. -NOREBASE Turn off automatic internal rebasing of old file to new file's image base address. If the files are not Win32 binaries, this option is ignored and has no effect. -NORESTIME Turn off automatic fixup of resource section timestamps (ignored if not Win32 binaries). -NOSTORETIME Don't store the timestamp of the new file in the patch file. Instead, set the timestamp of the patch file to the timestamp of the new file. -IGNORE:Offset,Length[,FileNumber] Ignore a range of bytes in the OldFile because those bytes might be different in the old file being patched on the target machine. -RETAIN:Offset,Length[,OffsetInNewFile[,FileNumber]] When applying the patch, preserve the range of bytes in the old file and copy them to the new file at the given OffsetInNewFile. -FAILBIGGER If patch file is bigger than simple compressed file, don't create the patch file (takes longer). -FAILIFSAME If old and new files are the same (ignoring binding differences, etc), don't create the patch file. -NOCOMPARE Don't compare patch compression against ordinary non- patch compression (saves time). -NOPROGRESS Don't display percent complete while building patch. -NEWSYMPATH:PathName[;PathName] For NewFile, search for symbol file(s) in these path locations (recursive search each path until found). The default is to search for symbol files(s) starting in the same directory as the NewFile. -OLDSYMPATH:PathName[;PathName][,FileNumber] For OldFile, search for symbol file(s) in these path locations (recursive search each path until found). The default is to search for symbol files(s) starting in the same directory as the OldFile. -UNDECORATED After matching decorated symbol names, match remaining symbols using undecorated names. -NOSYMS Don't use debug symbol files when creating the patch. -NOSYMFAIL Don't fail to create patch if symbols cannot be loaded. -NOSYMWARN Don't warn if symbols can't be found or don't match the corresponding file (symbol checksum mismatch). -USEBADSYMS Rather than ignoring symbols if the checksums don't match the corresponding files, use the bad symbols. -E8 Force E8 call translation for x86 binaries. -NOE8 Force no E8 call translation for x86 binaries. If neither -E8 or -NOE8 are specified, and the files are x86 binaries, the patch will be built internally twice and the smaller will be chosen for output. -MSPATCH194COMPAT Assure the patch file can be used with version 1.94 of MSPATCH*.DLL. May increase size of patch file if old or new file is larger than 4Mb. MPATCH will also look for environment variables named "MPATCH" followed by an underscore and the name of the option. Command line specified options override environment variable options. Examples: MPATCH_NOCOMPARE=1 MPATCH_NEWSYMPATH=c:\winnt\symbols;\\server\share\symbols