Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-2001. All rights reserved. Msi Transform Tool --- Generate and Apply Transform Files Options for MsiTran.exe: -g {base db} {new db} {transform} [{error/validation conditions}] -->Generate -a {transform} {database} [{error conditions}] -->Apply Error Conditions: The following errors may be suppressed when applying a transform. To suppress an error, include the appropriate character in {error conditions}. Conditions specified with -g are placed in the summary information of the transform, but are not used when applying a transform with -a. 'a': Add existing row. 'b': Delete non-existing row. 'c': Add existing table. 'd': Delete non-existing table. 'e': Modify existing row. 'f': Change codepage. Validation Conditions: The following validation conditions may be used to indicate when a transform may be applied to a package. These conditions may be specified with -g but not -a. 'g': Check upgrade code. 'l': Check language. 'p': Check platform. 'r': Check product. 's': Check major version only. 't': Check major and minor versions only. 'u': Check major, minor, and update versions. 'v': Applied database version < base database version. 'w': Applied database version <= base database version. 'x': Applied database version = base database version. 'y': Applied database version >= base database version. 'z': Applied database version > base database version. Generate transform without summary info stream (conditions ignored): '@': Suppress summary information stream generation.