MUIBLD [-h|?] [-v] [-c checksum_file] -l langid [-i resource_type] source_filename [target_filename] -h(elp) or -?: Show help screen. -i(nclude) Use to include certain resource types, resource_type: e.g. -i 2 to include bitmaps. Multiple inclusion is possible. If this flag is not used, all types are included Standard resource types must be specified by number. See below for list. Types 1 and 12 are always included in pairs, even if only one is specified. Types 3 and 14 are always included in pairs, too. -v(erbose): Display source filename and target filename. -l(anguage) langid: Extract only resource in this language. The language resource must be specified. The value is in decimal. source_filename: The localized source file (no wildcard support) target_filename: Optional. If no target_filename is specified, a second extension.RES is added to the source_filename. Standard Resource Types: CURSOR(1) BITMAP(2) ICON(3) MENU(4) DIALOG(5) STRING(6) FONTDIR(7) FONT(8) ACCELERATORS(9) RCDATA(10) MESSAGETABLE(11) GROUP_CURSOR(12) GROUP_ICON(14) VERSION(16)