PURPOSE: Fills in the correct sizes for files in the BOM. PARAMETERS: [LogFile] - Path to append a log of actions and errors. [InBom] - Path of BOM which lists files whose sizes are to be updated. [SourceId] - Specifies the category of files whose sizes are updated. [SourcePath] - Path of the files in . [Compressed] - 'C' compressed, 'N' uncompressed, 'B' update both, 'F' random, 'Z' fixed. If [SourceId] begins with a #, then certain entries in the BOM are to be filtered out based on the values following the #. #A-FR means to exclude all files marked with A-FR in the group field. #A+FR means to exclude all files not marked with A-FR in the group field. #A-* means to exclude all files marked with A- in the group field. If [SourceId] is NTFLOP, LMFLOP, NTCD, or LMCD no sizes are updated and the only the entries in the BOM relating to the specified product are output.