# Have any changes to this file reviewed by DavePr, BryanT, or WadeLa # before checking in. # Any changes need to verified in all standard build/rebuild scenarios. # # Usage = PopulateFromVBL.pl [-force] [-vbl=vblreleasedir] [-nttree=nttreedir] [-symbols] # # Function: Populate missing files in nttreedir from vblreleaseddir so # 0) Verify that binplacedir and VBL are (compatible?) release directories # 1) Find the binplace.log output for both paths # 2) Figure out what projects were built in the nttree # 3) Generate a list of files that were built on VBL for the projectlist # 4) Output a list of files we should have built locally, but didn't # 5) If (4) is empty, or -force, populate missing files in nttreedir # from vblreleaseedir forall projects # # No files in nttreedir are overwritten from vblreleasedir # The checks for what should be there are not exact, because we rely only on # binplace.log entries -- and the VBL build may not exactly match the nttree build. # # [-force] -- do copying even if the nttree doesn't contain project files built in VBL # [-verbose] -- chatter while working # [-fake] -- don't do the actual copies # [-checkbinplace] -- note VBL files that are in binplace.log but not build.binlist # [-fulltargetok] -- run even if the target machine has built in all projects # # # VBLpath will be computed from BuildMachines.txt if not supplied either # on the command line, or in the VBL_RELEASE environment variable. # # If we are a build lab, we succeed without doing much. #