SDX 1.03 USAGE -------------- SDX command [command-args] [SD-args] [filespec] [-? -g] Use SDX to work with Source Depot commands across one or more depots from a single client enlistment. You must set %SDXROOT% to the full path of your enlistment root, ie D:\NT, C:\SRC, etc. before using SDX. GENERAL OPTIONS --------------- These command-line arguments are available: [command-args] arguments specific to the SDX command [SD-args] arguments for the underlying SoureDepot command [filespec] SD wildcards to restrict the scope of command -? usage -g [file] log output to file, where [file] is a fully qualified path GETTING STARTED --------------- Set SDXROOT=D:\NT (or whatever your enlistment root directory is), then: To enlist in projects, run 'sdx enlist'. To defect from one or more projects, run 'sdx defect'. To repair your enlistment, run 'sdx repair'. To see other SDX commands, run 'sdx commands'. Email SDX to report bugs in this script. Source Depot documentation is available at http://sourcedepot.