usage: IMAGECFG [switches] image-names... [-?] display this message [-a Process Affinity mask value in hex] [-b BuildNumber] [-c Win32 GetVersionEx Service Pack return value in hex] [-d decommit thresholds] [-g bitsToClear bitsToSet] [-h 1|0 (Enable/Disable Terminal Server Compatible bit) [-k StackReserve[.StackCommit] [-l enable large (>2GB) addresses [-m maximum allocation size] [-n bind no longer allowed on this image [-o default critical section timeout [-p process heap flags] [-q only print config info if changed [-r run with restricted working set] [-s path to symbol files] [-t VirtualAlloc threshold] [-u Marks image as uniprocessor only] [-v MajorVersion.MinorVersion] [-w Win32 GetVersion return value in hex] [-x Mark image as Net - Run From Swapfile [-y Mark image as Removable - Run From Swapfile