usage: qgrep.exe [-?BELOXlnzvxy][-e string][-f file][-i file][strings][files] -? - print this message -B - match pattern if at beginning of line -E - match pattern if at end of line -L - treat search strings literally (fgrep) -O - print seek offset before each matching line -X - treat search strings as regular expressions (grep) -l - print only file name if file contains match -n - print line number before each matching line -z - print matching lines in MSC error message format -v - print only lines not containing a match -x - print lines that match exactly (-BE) -y - treat upper and lower case as equivalent -e - treat next argument literally as a search string -f - read search strings from file named by next argument (- = stdin) -i - read file list from file named by next argument (- = stdin) White space separates search strings unless the argument is prefixed with -e, e.g., 'qgrep "all out" x.y' means find either "all" or "out" in x.y, while 'qgrep -e "all out" x.y' means find "all out".