To Start the SERVER end of REMOTE --------------------------------- Syntax : REMOTE /S <"Cmd"> [Param] Example1: REMOTE /S "i386kd -v" imbroglio To interact with this "Cmd" from some other machine, start the client end using: REMOTE /C EMPYREAL-946D97 imbroglio Example2: REMOTE /S "i386kd -v" "name with spaces" start the client end using: REMOTE /C EMPYREAL-946D97 "name with spaces" To Exit: @K [Param]: /F [Param]: /B [Param]: /U username or groupname specifies which users or groups may connect may be specified more than once, e.g /U user1 /U group2 /U user2 [Param]: /UD username or groupname specifically denies access to that user or group [Param]: /V Makes this session visible to remote /Q [Param]: /-V Hides this session from remote /q (invisible) By default, if "Cmd" looks like a debugger, the session is visible, otherwise not To Start the CLIENT end of REMOTE --------------------------------- Syntax : REMOTE /C "" [Param] Example1: REMOTE /C EMPYREAL-946D97 imbroglio This would connect to a server session on EMPYREAL-946D97 with Id "imbroglio" if there is a REMOTE /S <"Cmd"> imbroglio running on EMPYREAL-946D97. Example2: REMOTE /C EMPYREAL-946D97 "name with spaces" This would connect to a server session on EMPYREAL-946D97 with Id "name with spaces" if there is a REMOTE /S <"Cmd"> "name with spaces" running on EMPYREAL-946D97. To Exit: @Q (Leaves the Remote Server Running) [Param]: /L <# of Lines to Get> [Param]: /F [Param]: /K [Param]: /B Keywords And Colors File Format ------------------------------- [, ] ... EX: ERROR black, lred WARNING lblue COLOR THIS LINE lgreen To Query the visible sessions on a server ----------------------------------------- Syntax: REMOTE /Q EMPYREAL-946D97 This would retrieve the available s visible connections on the computer named EMPYREAL-946D97.