Usage: sd [ options ] command [ arg ... ] sd set [ -s -S service ] [ var[="value"] ] sd resolve3 [ -a -d ] base theirs yours merged Options: -? -h print this message -s debug mode -v level debug modes -V print client version -x file read args from file ("file" can be "-" for stdin) -Y output summary of warnings and errors (use -Y to force the summary, or -Y- to disable) -c client set client name -d dir set current directory for relative paths -H host set host name -M maxresults set maxresults (to value smaller than user's default) -p port set server port -P password set user's password -u user set username sd set: -s get/set variables in HKLM (normally HKCU) -S service get/set variables for the named service sd resolve3: see 'sd help resolve' for explanation of the -a and -d.