Usage: unitext [-m|-u] [-o|-a|-] [-z] -m multibyte->unicode translation. -u unicode->multibyte translation. -o multibyte text file uses current OEM codepage [default]. -a multibyte text file uses current ANSI codepage. - multibyte character set uses given codepage. -z Doesn't convert MB->UC if file is already Unicode (or) Doesn't convert UC->MB if file is not Unicode Examples: unitext -m -o c:\src.txt c:\dst.uni Converts OEM text file c:\src.txt to Unicode text file c:\dst.uni. unitext -u -a c:\src.uni c:\dst.txt Converts Unicode text file c:\src.uni to ANSI text file c:\dst.txt unitext -m -437 c:\src.txt c:\dst.uni Converts OEM text file in codepage 437 to Unicode text file.