Misc Documents

These are Documents that I can't put into the other groups, but may be handy either way.

Command Line Administration for Vista, 2003, XP and 2000

In-depth book on using Windows Command Prompt to administrate your system as you need, and learn about features not well known

Overview of Windows XP Service Pack 3

This small document briefly outlines any changes introduced to Windows XP SP3


This is a Legal Report filed to Iowa District Court from several individuals against Microsoft outlining questionable use of: Undocumented APIs and Functions, Undocumented sharing of Key features between MS Software that isn't permitted use of and various reference to Source level files and archives for various different Source code.

Interoffice Memo - Getting Setup on Source Depot

This is a leaked office memo for staff regarding set-up, and use of the Source Depot and Source Code.

For Educational and Archival Purposes

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