Windows Security

Here is an assorted collection of Documents on different parts of Windows and it's Security

Attacking the Windows Kernel - Jonathan Lindsay

A small publication from NGSSoftware Insight Security Research into methods of attack, tools and other info

Windows XP/2003 Heap Exploitation - John McDonald

Documentation on gaining entry and exploiting Windows Heap Manager and its internals, from the Fundamentals to the actual Strategy used to exploit

Bypassing Windows Hardware-enforced
Data Execution Prevention -

Information on different modes of DEP which was introduced in Windows XP SP2/ Server 2003 SP1 and methods of bypassing it

Securing Windows Server 2003 - Mike Danseglio

Overview on securing your Windows Server 2003 install over the Network, File Permission and Authorization, Group Policy and More!

Windows Server 2003 Security Guide

A general overview from Microsoft of measures you can use to Secure your Windows 2003 System

Guide to Securing Microsoft
Windows XP

"The purpose of this document is to inform the reader about Windows XP Professional
recommended security settings."

For Educational and Archival Purposes

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