Windows Books in PDF

A Collection of available published books on the Windows Internals Series, Windows for Dummies and various other publications
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Windows NT File System Internals
Early NT

Information on the Windows NT Kernel, IO Subsystem, NT Cache Manager and Virtual Memory manager, and more

Inside Windows 2000 Third Edition
Early NT 5

This book is on Windows 2000, the Improvements and additions over NT4, New features never before seen in Windows NT and more.

Windows Internals 4th Edition
NT 5

This book focuses on Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 system internals, functions, processes and in-depth descriptions of certain APIs and the Kernel

Windows Internals 5th Edition
Early NT 6

This book looks into the Internals of the start of NT 6 (Vista\2k8) .

Windows Internals 6th Edition
NT 6

6th Edition contains updates to the NT 6 Codebase, learn about updated Features, Functions and Subsystems in NT6

Windows Internals 7th Edition Part 1
NT 6+

This book delves into the key components relating to NT's System, Windows Kernel and more

Windows Kernel Internals (slides)

Some documentation for specifics on the Kernel itself, these documents and individual for each subject.

Windows Kernel Overview

(Part 1) Coverage on the topics covered in the Windows Kernel Internals Documentation

Windows Kernel Overview II

(Part 2) Further coverage on the topics covered in the Windows Kernel Internals Documentation

Kernel Extentions

Information on different types of Extentions available to the Kernel, along with what supports Kernel-Mode Extentions

Windows Driver Models

Details on types of Drivers the Kernel can make use of, how Drivers communicated with their requested features and more.

Windows Driver Foundation

Info and examples on Framework-based Drivers, what they call upon (IO, Device Descriptors etc.) and more.

x86 Traps, Interrupts and Exceptions

Overviews on x86 assembly, conventions, instruction set as well as other features in the x86 Architecture

Object Manager & LPC

Details on the Kernel's Object Manager througout the OS, supported Object Types and various different uses and methods..

Virtual Machine Architecture

Explinations on how Virtual machine model run on Windows OS, VMM Kernel configuration, components of the Virtualisation system and more.

Processes, Threads and Virtual Memory

Detailed overviews on various precedures Processes, Threading and the Virtual Memory Manager take.

Advanced File Systems

Information on set filesystems, their device stack and mapping, file handling on NTFS and more.

Adv. Virtual Memory

Details on Advanced capabilities of Virtual memory 

Cache Manager

 Explanation on how the Cache Manager interacts between filesystems and the OS, procedures and functions is takes and more.  

IO Architecture

Details on ins and outs of the IO Manager, how it can interact with data, drivers and the OS, dealing with IO Failures, crashes and more.

Lightweight Procedure Calls (LPC)

Overview on what it is and does, it's architecture and various info on LPC Connection.


Specific details and functions of the New Technology File System.

NT Registry Implementation

Information on how the Windows/NT Registry Model, supported APIs, Hive specifics and more.

Object Manager

Information on the NT Object Manager and it's Name Space functions, IO, File Handling and more

Process Architecture

Overview on functions, features and capabilities of Processes, process bring up and maintinence, and more.

Synchronization Mechanisms

*Details on this I cannot explain myself.. If someone can assist here I would be greatful*

Thread Scheduling

Details on Process Threads, how the CPU controls Threads, different calls used, API functions and how they talk to the Kernel..

Traps Interrupts Exceptions

Information on ACPI model in 'standard' Intel CPUs of the time, NT Specific inturrupts, examples on trapped exceptions and more.

User-mode Heap Manager

Overview on aspects of the NT Heap model, benefits and issues with the method with Stats on tests run against the NT standard

Virtual Memory

Explanation on Features available to Virtual Memory, it's Internal APIs used, Memory mapping/management and more


Details on the Kernel side of Windows Subsystem, its entry points and related binaries, it's Initialization with certain system components (winlogon, csrss) and more. 

Windows Services

Overview on types of Services and it's architecture model, the Service Controller API, writing a Service and more.

Sys-Internals Books and Debugging

Here is an assorted collection of books from Sysinternals and some topics on Debugging Windows

Windows Sysinternals Administrator's Reference

"You’ll drill into the features and functions of dozens of free file, disk, process, security, and Windows management tools"

Troubleshooting with the Windows Sysinternals Tools

Learn how to troubleshoot and debug Windows with the collection of tools available from Systinternals

Inside Windows Debugging

Learn how to use Windows Debugging Tools, and learn techniques and tips on how and why features work the way they do and why they break. 

Windows for Dummies

Here are some books from the 'for Dummies' series specific to Windows OS

Windows Server 2003 for Dummies

Ideal for Beginners who what to set up Windows Server for the first time!

Windows XP Hacks & Mods for Dummies

Full of tweaks and tips to customize Windows XP to the fullest!

Other Windows Books

The Old New Thing - Practical Development Throughout the Evolution of Windows


For Educational and Archival Purposes

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